
    On Application of Financial Control to Decision-making for Seamless Steel Tube Production and Business

    • 摘要: 随着市场经济的发展,财务管理在企业中的作用显得日益重要,无缝钢管作为一种特殊的钢材产品,其生产过程与其他钢材相比具有其特殊性。通过财务管理在无缝钢管成本计算、生产安排、投资决策等方面的应用,阐述了财务管理在无缝钢管生产经营决策中的作用。


      Abstract: Along with China’s development of the market-driven economy, financial control is getting more and more important in enterprise management. As a special kind of steel product, the seamless steel tube requires manufacturing processes quite different from those for any other steel product. The author discusses the role played by financial control in decision-making for seamless steel tube production and business, involving such aspects as cost calculation,production organization and decision-making concerning investment, etc.


