
    Production of T22 Spiral Coil Tube for Steam Generator of HTGR

    • 摘要: 优化了高温气冷堆蒸发器用T22螺旋盘管的制造工艺。先通过二次冷轧+一次冷拔变形,正火+回火热处理工艺,制造出换热管成品直管,再采用专用多头螺旋盘管成型机及空间弯管机对T22直管进行盘管及弯制,经外表面喷丸、真空消应力热处理、表面氧化处理、表面浸油处理等一系列工序精整加工,制造出的高温气冷堆蒸发器用盘管,经检验各项产品性能指标能够满足相关标准及用户要求。


      Abstract: The manufacturing process of the T22 spiral coil for the steam generator of the high temperature gas cooled reactor(HTGR)is optimized with the methods described as below.First the finished straight tube for making the heat exchanger tube is manufactured with the process of secondary cold-rolling+primary cold-drawing deformation and the heat treatment process of normalization+tempering, and then the said straight tube is coiled and bent by the multi-head spiral coil forming machine and the space pipe-bending machine, and afterwards subjected to a number of finishing processes namely, outer surface shot blast, vacuum stress-relief heat treatment, surface oxidation treatment and surface immersion treatment, etc.The coil tube for the steam generator of the HTGR made with the methods as above mentioned is verified via relevant inspections and tests, and shows that it has its all property indexes up to applicable specifications and the customer requirements.


