
    Effect by Spheroidization Anneal Cooling Rate on Microstructure and Hardness of 23CrNi3Mo Alloy Pipe for Drilling Tool Service

    • 摘要: 为解决钎具用23CrNi3Mo合金管冷轧变形抗力过高的问题,对其进行球化退火处理研究,以降低合金的硬度。借助扫描电镜(SEM)和硬度等表征手段,揭示23CrNi3Mo合金管球化退火处理后的微观组织演变规律和硬度变化情况。试验结果表明:在680℃下进行球化退火,23CrNi3Mo合金形成颗粒状碳化物,随着冷却速度的降低,碳化物直径不断增大;球化退火后,23CrNi3Mo合金钢硬度显著降低,进而达到冷轧变形的要求。


      Abstract: To solve the problem of high cold-rolling deformation resistance of the 23CrNi3Mo alloy pipe for drilling tool service, a study is made, which involves spheroidization annealing of the tube so as to reduce the hardness of the alloy.Revealed, with the help of scanning electron microscope(SEM)and the characteristics like hardness, are the regularity of the microstructure evolution and the change of hardness of the 23CrNi3Mo alloy tube as spheroidization annealed.Relevant test results show that as being spheroidization annealed at 680℃, the 23CrNi3Mo alloy has its microstructure getting into granular carbides, and along with reduction of the cooling rate, diameter of the carbide is getting bigger and bigger;and that after spheroidization annealed, the said alloy has its hardness remarkably reduced, and in turn the required cold-rolling deformation is obtained.


