Φ508 mm×9.5 mm L450MB钢级ERW管线管的试制

    Trial Manufacture of Φ508 mm×9.5 mm L450MB ERW Linepipe

    • 摘要: 焊缝冲击功低且不稳定是ERW管线管生产的一大技术难点。针对高钢级L450MB焊管存在焊缝冲击功不稳定的情况,宝山钢铁股份有限公司宝钢分公司钢管厂采取降低焊接速度、调整热处理工艺的技术方案,试制出焊缝冲击韧性符合标准要求的L450MB钢级ERW管线管。


      Abstract: Low and inconsistent impact energy of the weld seam is regarded as a major technological problem relating to manufacturing of ERW linepipe. Addressing the problem of inconsistent impact energy of the hi-grade L450MB ERW pipe, the Steel Tube Plant, Baogang Co., Baoshan Iron & Steel Co., Ltd. has produced by trial the L450MB ERW linepipe which is up to the impact toughness of weld seam as specified in applicable standard by adopting a technical solution involving such actions as reducing the welding speed and adjusting the heat treatment process.


