Investigation of Cause for Bending of Drill Pipe
摘要: 通过分析钻杆弯曲形貌和位置,测量起钻用的吊卡尺寸,分析钻杆与吊卡和卡瓦在起钻之前的配合状态及受力条件,研究了新钻杆在起钻过程中产生弯曲的原因。研究结果证明,钻杆弯曲是单吊环起钻时受到异常弯曲载荷所致。Abstract: Causes for bending of drill pipes as firstly used in the lifting process are investigated by means of analyzing the drill pipe bending position and morphology, measuring the used elevator dimensions, and discussing the fitting status and loading conditions of the drill pipe, elevator and slips. Based on the result, it is identified that bending of the drill pipe is caused by abnormal bending load as led by the single ring-lifting operation.