倡导质量文化 加大新产品开发力度 提高市场竞争力——宝山钢铁股份有限责任公司钢管分公司实施以质量取胜的发展战略

    Promote Quality Culture,Strengthen New Product Development,Sharpen Competitive Edges——Implementation of a quality-based strategy for success by Steel Tube Division, Baosteel Co., Ltd.

    • 摘要: 介绍了宝山钢铁股份有限责任公司钢管分公司倡导质量文化,建立了能够更好地调动技术人员积极性以及有利于新产品开发的机制,树立以用户需求为最高标准的质量观,在开发新产品和提高产品质量方面取得了长足的进步,扩大了国内外的市场份额,形成了一批自主知识产权的专利和技术秘密。


      Abstract: Thanks to efforts in promoting quality culture, building up a mechanism to further arouse the technical people's initiative and strengthen new product development, and setting up the quality concept that meeting customer requirements is the top priority, Steel Tube Division, Baosteel Co., Ltd. has significantly speeded up new product development and quality improvement, further expanded the shares of both domestic and world markets and achieved a number of patented products and technologies and technical know-hows with the company's own IPR.


