Development Course and Manufacturing Technology of Mandrel Pipe Mill
摘要: 近40年连轧管机组得到大力发展,设备年生产能力已达2 000万t。介绍了连轧管机组的应用范围及特点、发展历程及生产技术的发展情况;主要介绍了锥形辊穿孔机、三辊连轧管机、张力减径机在质量控制技术等方面的新工艺,探讨了连轧管机组进一步发展的方向。Abstract: Over the past four decades,the mandrel pipe mill has been developed so fast that the total annual capacity of such mills is up to 20 million tons. Elaborated in the paper are the application scope and characteristics of the mandrel pipe mill,focusing on the newly-developed technologies for quality control of the cone-type piercing mill,the 3-roll continous rolling proper and the stretch reducing mill. Also discussed is the future development trend of this type of pipe-rolling mill.