
    Effect on Quality of LSAW Pipe by Consistent Wire-feeding Operation

    • 摘要: 分析直缝埋弧焊管部分焊接缺陷,找出造成断弧、焊缝成型质量不好、内焊缝夹渣、焊缝咬边的原因:送丝速度波动是导致上述问题的主要原因。改进或更换送丝系统中的部分零部件,消除送丝速度的波动,使送丝速度与焊丝熔化速度达到平衡,从而保证焊接过程及焊接质量的稳定。提出焊丝质量要求及送丝系统的使用注意事项。


      Abstract: Some welding defects of the LSAW pipe are analyzed to find out the causes for such problems as arcbreaking,poor weld seam-shape quality,slag-inclusion of inner weld seam and weld seam under cut,etc.It is identified via the analysis that the fluctuation of the wire feeding speed is the main cause for the above mentioned problems.Accordingly certain components and parts of the wire-feeding system are modified or replaced to eliminate the fluctuation of the wire-feeding speed,and get the wire-feeding speed and welding wire melting speed well balanced so as to ensure the stability of both the welding process and the welding quality.The requirement for the welding wire quality,and cautions for operation of the wire-feeding system are put forward.


