Φ1 422 mm×38.5 mm X80钢级钢管理化性能研究

    Study on Physiochemical Properties of Φ1 422 mm×38.5 mm X80 Steel Pipe

    • 摘要: 对比分析国内5家钢厂钢板及其制造的钢管的理化性能,研究了用于四类地区天然气管道项目的Φ1 422 mm×38.5 mm X80钢级直缝埋弧焊钢管的理化性能。研究结果表明,生产的Φ1 422 mm×38.5 mm X80钢级直缝埋弧焊管管体屈服强度为555~674 MPa,抗拉强度为625~711 MPa,-10℃冲击功平均值376.4 J,-5℃下DWTT剪切面积百分比平均值91%,各项性能指标均达到四类地区、压力为12 MPa钢管的技术要求,说明我国已经具备了工业化批量生产大直径超大壁厚直缝埋弧焊管的能力。


      Abstract: Based on the comparative analyses of the physiochemical properties of the steel plates and the steel tubes as made separately by five domestic steel works,a study is conducted on the physiochemical properties of the Φ1 422 mm×38.5 mm X80 LSAW steel pipes as used for the natural gas pipeline projects of Class Four areas,and thus the property level of the said tubes is systematically mastered.The study result shows the test data of the tube,i.e.,the tube body yield strength:555~674 MPa;tensile strength:625~711 MPa;average impact energy at -10℃:376.4 J;and the average DWTT shear area value at -5℃:91%.All the property indexes of the tube have been up to the applicable technical requirements as specified for the said tube to service in Class Four areas with 12 MPa pressure,which means that the domestic steel tube industry has had the capacity to engage in industrialized massive production of the large-sized,ultra heavy-wall LSAW pipe.


