
    Current Situation and Prospects of Manufacturing and Equipment Technologies of Oil/Gas Linepipes

    • 摘要: 介绍了国内外油气输送高钢级管线钢管的研究现状、国内高钢级管线钢管的装备技术水平,以及国内焊管装备信息系统建设的情况。指出我国在高钢级管线钢管研究领域与国外先进国家的差距正在缩小,但在管线钢管性能稳定性、管线应变设计、管线适用性研究等方面与国外先进水平相比还存在较大差距,需加强研究。除此之外,我国应适当引进国外先进设备和相关技术,加快设备改造和升级,尽快将我国建设成世界钢管强国。


      Abstract: Presented in the paper is the information concerning the high grade oil/gas linepipe-making industry,covering the current situations of R & D of such pipes both at home and abroad,the domestic equipment technological level of high grade linepipes as well as the construction of domestic weld pipe manufacturing equipment information system. It is emphasized that although the domestic high grade linepipe R & D level is generally getting closer and closer to that of relevant advanced countries,big gaps still remain in terms of researches on stability,strain-based design and suitability of the linepipes,which requires more efforts to be made to speed up such researches. Moreover,to get the nation become one of the world steel pipe-making giants within a possible shortest time framework,related advanced equipment and technologies should be introduced from abroad for promoting the equipment improvement and upgrade in the field.


