
    Checking and Calibration of Rolling Line of PQF Pipe Mill

    • 摘要: 介绍了构成连轧管机轧制中心线的主要设备,机架中心检测装置——孔型站的功能和PQF连轧管机轧制中心线的检测步骤;对PQF连轧管机轧制中心线的校正进行了较深入的分析;建议在已建和拟建的连轧管机组上配置孔型站,以此保证轧制中心线精度,提高产品质量。


      Abstract: Elaborated in the article are the main equipment units that the rolling line of the mandrel pipe mill is made with,the function of the roll stand center checking system-the pass station,and the checking steps for the rolling line of the PQF mill.An in-deep analysis of calibration of the rolling line is conducted,based on which a suggestion for setting up the pass station for existing mandrel mill plants or those to be constructed in order to ensure the accuracy of the rolling line for better pipe quality.


