
    Analysis and Understanding of Casing Damage in Shale Gas Well

    • 摘要: 统计国内页岩气开采中发生的套管损坏的相关数据,并结合现有井况环境,总结引起套管发生点变形的根本原因。分析认为:由于套管管体受到的外界非均匀载荷超出套管能力极限,从而导致套管整体结构失稳,发生点变形。采用有限元方法计算套管能承受的非均匀载荷,并通过实物评价试验进行验证,为页岩气用套管选型提供理论依据。提出几种减少页岩气井套管损坏变形的解决方案。


      Abstract: Analyzed in the paper are the relevant data of casing damages occurred in domestic shale gas exploiting operations as well as the exsisting shale gas well conditions to find out the fundamental causes for point deformations appeared on casings.The analysis indicates that when the external non-uniform load borne by a casing body exceeds its limit,it will lead to overall structure instability of the casing and cause point deformation.The bearable non-uniform load for a casing is calculated by finite element method and verified by actual product evaluation test to provide a precise theoretical basis for the type selection of casings for shale gas well.Some solutions for reducing casing damages in shale gas wells are put forward.


