The Niches of Seamless Steel Tubular Products in Domestic and World Markets
摘要: 无缝钢管与焊接钢管以各自的优势占据着各自的市场份额,无缝钢管与焊接钢管的竞争促进了钢管质量的提高和成本的降低,同时在品种上又互相补充。从目前世界上现有的制管技术及其发展来看,在很多领域无缝钢管还不可能被焊接钢管或其他管材所取代。Abstract: With different advantages of each own,the seamless steel tubular and the welded steel tubular take their own market shares respectively,while they are complementary to each other in terms of variety.Based on the current worldwide technological development of the two steel tube categories,it can be concluded that the seamless steel tubular can not be yet replaced by the welded one or any other kind of tubular product for many specific applications.