
    Design of SRM-275 Series (Slight) Stretch Reducing Mill

    • 摘要: 介绍了国内小型无缝钢管机组(微)张力减径机的应用现状及特点,并结合(微)张力减径机设计的经验对SRM-275系列(微)张力减径机组的工艺和设备做了说明和分析,可为小型无缝钢管生产企业的技术改造提供设备选型参考。


      Abstract: described here in the paper are the current situations concerning the applications of the(slight)stretch reducing mills of small sized seamless steel tube plants both at home and abroad and their features.Based on the design experience of the(slight)stretch reducing mill,a discussion is made on the technology and equipment of the SRM-275series(slight)stretch reducing mill,offering a reference for technical revamp of small sized seamless steel makers in equipment selection.


