Φ102mm CPE顶管机组的创新及效果

    Innovation of Φ102 mm CPE Push Bench Plant and Effectiveness

    • 摘要: 介绍了江苏常宝钢管有限公司的国内首套Φ102mmCPE新型顶管机组的特点、建设背景和发展现状,以及机组投产以来在顶管和张力减径的孔型开发、扩大产品规格、工模具改进、新产品开发和为提高生产线工艺能力等方面所做的技术改造。生产实践证明,CPE工艺作为引进技术是成功的,在无缝钢管连轧技术的推广应用上也是成熟可靠的。项目投资费用少、工艺简单、特别适用于生产薄壁小直径热轧管。


      Abstract: Presented here in the paper are the main aspects of the first domestic Φ102 mm CPE push bench plant located in Jiangsu Changbao Steel Pipe Co., Ltd., covering the features, construction background and current development situation, and the technical modifications as made since the start-up of the plant, including pass development of the push bench proper and the stretch reducing mill, expansion of the product mix, improvement of the tools & dies, R & D of new product and enhancement of the technological capability of the production line as a whole. The operation practice of the plant demonstrates that as a technology introduced from abroad, the CPE process is applied successfully in the country, and as a continuous rolling process for seamless steel tubes, it is proven and reliable. The CPE process has such advantages as low investment, technologically simplicity and being particularly suitable for making small-sized, light-wall hot-rolled tubes.


