
    Discussion on Design of Steel Pipe for Fire Water Supply

    • 摘要: 消防给水用钢管设计中存在未标注钢管的用钢牌号、公称直径DN对应的外径D、管道壁厚等信息缺失问题,结合相关规范和手册,对用钢牌号的标注方法、管道标准及外径系列选择和管道壁厚的计算方法提出解决办法和建议。分析认为:设计图应标明钢管标准要求、材料(含钢牌号)要求,并列出管道公称尺寸DN、外径D、公称壁厚δ对照表;采用辅助软件进行水力计算时应校核该软件采用的管道标准系列、壁厚是否和设计的一致;应了解当地管材市场供货能否满足设计要求;系统压力1.20~2.00 MPa时,DN≤65 mm的管道及其他工作压力不大于1.20 MPa的管段仍然可以采用普通钢管,以降低工程造价。


      Abstract: In the design of the steel pipe for fire water supply, some data are missing, including the steel type, the outside diameter D that is corresponding to the nominal diameter DN, and the pipe wall thickness, etc.Based on related specifications and technical manuals, solution methods and suggestions are proposed to determine the marking method for the steel type, the pipeline standard, and the pipe OD series as well as the calculation method for the pipe wall thickness.It is regarded via the analysis that the design drawing should indicate the standard and material(including the steel type) as required for the steel pipe, the check list of nominal size DN, outside diameter D and nominal W.T.δ of the pipe;in case of computing the water power with some aid software, it must be done to check whether the pipeline standard series and wall thickness as adopted by the software are in compliance with those as designed;it should be foud out if the local supply of the pipes is satisfactory to the design requirements;when the system pressure is 1.20~2.00 MPa, for pipeline with DN ≤ 65 mm and other pipeline sections with working pressure no more than 1.20 MPa, ordinary steel pipes are allowed to be used in order to reduce the project costs.


