Φ273 mm限动芯棒连轧管机组工艺设备特征

    Process Equipment Features of Ф273 mm MPM Plant

    • 摘要: 概述了Φ273 mm限动芯棒连轧管机组的生产能力、产品规格及品种、工艺选型、生产工艺流程以及锥形辊穿孔、5机架限动芯棒连轧管、12机架微张力定(减)径等主要工序的工艺和装备特点及其技术性能参数;着重介绍了该机组最先进的物料跟踪系统、在线检测质量保证系统、穿孔机工艺辅助设计系统、连轧自动辊缝控制系统、连轧工艺监控系统、微张力定(减)径机工艺辅助设计系统等工艺控制技术。可供国内同类无缝钢管机组的建设借鉴。


      Abstract: Briefed in the article are all the main aspects of the Ф273 mm MPM plant,including the capacity,product mix,process types,manufacturing process flow and the processes and equipment features/technical data of the main operation units,i.e.,the cone type piercing mill,the 5-stand MPM and the 12-stand slight stretch sizing(reducing) mill. Also detailed are the-state-of-art process control techniques as employed for the plant,i.e.,the material tracking system,the on-line quality assurance system,the computer-aided rolling technology application system for the cone type piercer mill,the MPM roll gap auto-control system,the MPM process supervision system,and the computer-aided rolling technology application system for the slight stretch sizing(reducing) mill. The information as provided by the author is worth using as reference for construction of similar domestic mills.


