
    Research on Resistance Properties against External Collapse of SEW High Collapse-resistant Casing

    • 摘要: 研究了80~125钢级SEW高抗挤套管的材料性能、尺寸精度、残余应力和抗外压挤毁性能。研究结果表明:屈服强度是影响SEW高抗挤套管抗挤强度的决定性因素,径壁比、外径不圆度、壁厚不均度和残余应力是影响SEW高抗挤套管抗挤强度的主要因素;提高套管的屈服强度和尺寸精度,减小径壁比,降低残余应力均可提高套管的抗外压挤毁性能。


      Abstract: Studied are the main aspects of the SEW hi-collapse-resistant casings made in 80~125 ksi grade steel, including material properties, dimensional accuracy, residual stress and resistance against external collapse, etc.The study result reveals that the yield strength is the determining factor affecting the collapse resistance of the SEW casing, while other factors such as DS ratio, outer roundness, wall thickness unevenness rate and residual stress act as the main elements affecting the anti-collapse strength of the casing. Accordingly, properties against external collapse of the SEW casings are expected to be improved by means of enhancing yield strength and dimensional accuracy, and reducing DS ratio and residual stress.


