
    Utilization of Waste Heatfrom Exhausted Gas of Industrial Furnace

    • 摘要: 针对目前钢管行业工业炉尾气余热利用不足的状况,设计了一种“工业炉炉尾废气利用装置”替代空气换热器,将传统的换热介质——空气改变为水,产生的水蒸气供生产使用。从而既满足钢管生产的需要,又节约能源创造效益,同时减少环境污染。


      Abstract: Addressing the fact that waste heat from exhausted gas of industrial furnaces of the steel tube sector is not fully recovered,as a substitute for the conventional air heat exchanger,a new system called"system for utilizing exhausted gas from industrial furnace"has been developed,featuring using water to replace air,the conventional heat exchanging medium to produce steam for production purpose.The said system can not only meet the need for steel tube production,but also bring about better energy saving,higher benefitability and less environmental pollution.


