
    Design of Six-roll Straightener for Large-sized Light-wall Steel Pipe

    • 摘要: 介绍了一种新型六辊矫直机的设计方法。该方法改进了矫直机上下矫直辊结构,加长了矫直辊辊身长度,增加了钢管与矫直辊在单位长度上形成的包络范围,同时增加了新型边侧辊装置。通过上述改进设计,解决了大直径薄壁钢管在传统六辊矫直机矫直过程中容易产生的钢管跑偏、矫直变椭圆、钢管断面畸变等质量缺陷问题,显著提高了钢管的矫直精度和成品质量。


      Abstract: Elaborated here in the article is a method for designing a new type six-roll straightener. The design method involves some modification details of the straightener,including improvement of structures of both the top and low rolls,extending the length of the straightening roll body,expanding the enveloping line length per length unit between the work-piece and the roll,and adopting a new type lateral roll device,etc. The above mentioned innovative design measures lead to elimination of certain quality defects of the large-sized light-wall pipe that are prone to being caused during operation of the convenient six-roll straightening mill,including pipe side-slipping,oval-shaped outside circumference,and cross-section distortion etc.,which greatly increases the straightening precision and quality of the finished pipe.


