
    VISITS TO BRITISH IRON & STEEL ENTERPRISES——Investigation on Foreign Manufacturers(part Ⅲ)

    • 摘要: 本文详细地介绍了英钢联所属克莱兹代尔钢厂、布罗姆福德钢管厂及罗孙汉钢厂、钢管有限公司的生产工艺、设备布置及改造情况。布罗姆福德钢管厂周期轧管机组的技术改造很成功,为成都无缝钢管厂周期轧管机组的改造提供了有参考价值的经验。


      Abstract: This paper gives an introduction in detail with respect to the manufacturing processes, cquipment arrangements as well as reconstructions of Clydesdale Works and Bromford Works subordinate to British Steel Corporation, Tube Division, Rotherhain Engineering Steels and Scamless Tubes LTD. The experience from the successful technical modification of the Bromford works' Pilger rolling mill is very worth referring to in the view of the forthcoming technical revamp of the existing nilgcr mill employed by the Chengdu Seamless Steel Tube Plant.


