
    Post WTO Era Situation of Domestic I & S/Steel Tube Sector and Countermoves Proposed

    • 摘要: 分析了我国钢铁暨钢管行业的现状:钢铁产品成本低,产量大;出口产品附加值低,在国际市场上缺乏竞争力;普通无缝钢管和焊接钢管生产能力供大于求,而高质量、高技术含量的品种不能满足市场需求。指出我国加入WTO后,政府启动钢铁产品临时性保障措施取得了明显成效,但此举不会改变我国钢铁产业竞争力弱的现实,只有提升产品技术含量,加快调整产业结构的步伐,建立和完善我国钢铁产业损害预警机制,才能真正提升我国钢铁产业的竞争力。


      Abstract: Analyzed here in the paper are the current situation of domestic I & S/steel tube sector, i.e., low costs, high production, weak competitiveness for world market due to low added values of the export-oriented products, capacity surplus of general-purpose seamless and weld tubulars and deficient capacity for high quality and sophisticated product types as demanded by the market places. It is emphasized that although after China’s entry of WTO, Chinese government has taken certain temporary protective measures for I & S products which are considerably fruitful, such actions can not bring about the substantial change of the reality of domestic I & S sector featuring weak competitiveness, and that the only way to meet this purpose is to produce more sophisticated products, speed up the restructuring of the industry as well as to built up a complete early warning system against any possible injury to the sector.


