Progresses with R & D of C125 Casing for Mildly Sour Environments
摘要: 通过对比分析,综合介绍了国外低酸性环境用C125钢的研发进展,C125钢级套管的适用环境条件和SSC评价试验。指出C110钢级是目前通过NACE TM0177标准A溶液,直至NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-2标准pH-PH2S图的全酸性环境评定的最高钢级抗酸性钢。介绍了适用环境SSC评价方法及在低酸性环境用C125钢级开发等方面的应用。Abstract: With a comparative analysis,the progress with R & D of the C125 casing for mildly sour environments as made abroad is generally described here in the paper. Also elaborated are the fit-for-purpose environment and the SSC evaluation test of the said casing. It is pointed out that the C110 grade is the highest one among the SSC-resistant steel grades,which evaluation result is made through the method A,the solution A as per NACE TM0177 up to the pH-P H 2 S plate region Ⅲ as per NACE MR0175/ISO 15156-2. Further described are the fit-for-purpose environment evaluation and their application to development of the C125 grade for mildly sour environments.