Discussion of Standards for Oil & Gas Linepipe
摘要: 结合多年生产实践,对现行石油天然气输送管标准进行了探讨;针对有关标准对导向弯曲试验、理化性能组批取样、夹杂物、屈强比、化学成分最小值、金属维氏硬度试验、错边、焊偏和静水压试验压力规定上的不足,提出了改进建议。Abstract: Based on years' experiences of oil and gas linepipe production,the standards for such products are discussed. As a result,proposals for supplements to certain contents of the standards are put forward,covering such aspects as guided-bend test,lot sampling for physical-chemical property tests,inclusions,yield to tensile ratio,minimal chemical composition,metal Vickers hardness test,radial offset,misalignment and hydrostatic test pressure etc.