
    Study on Manufacturing Process of Pilgering Pipe with Square Bloom

    • 摘要: 通过对周期轧管机组采用初轧方坯轧管工艺的系统研究,提出了方坯形状设计计算的原则和计算程序,确定了初轧方坯的具体尺寸和最优组合。在线热定心机的成功研制与使用以及其他工艺技术措施的实施,确保了整个工艺系统的优化与稳定,取得了明显的经济效益和社会效益。


      Abstract: A systematic study is conducted on the manufacturing process of rolling pipe with the pilger plant and square bloom,resulting in the computation principle and program for the square shape,hence,the specific dimensions and optimum bloom-tube size combination.In addition,the successful development of the on-line bloom hot-centering technique and employment of other process techniques have ensured optimization and liability of the technological process system as a whole,producing considerable economic and social benefits.


