
    Discussion on Suitability for Designated Import of Hi-grade Heat-resistant Steel Pipes/Tubes for Power Plant Boiler Service

    • 摘要: 针对国内电站锅炉合同技术协议中“高等级耐热钢须进口”限制性条款,分析国内外高等级耐热钢管制造现状、实物质量、标准差异及供货商的技术反馈,探讨制定进口高等级耐热钢的适宜性。分析认为:国产高等级耐热钢管(国产92级、S30432、TP310HCbN)已达到进口钢管质量水平,且在采购周期、技术响应和服务、成本等方面更具综合优势。建议在电站锅炉合同技术协议中取消“高等级耐热钢须进口”的条款。


      Abstract: Addressing the proviso as under relevant domestic contractual technical agreements for power plant boilers which says that hi-grade heat-resistant steels as used must be imported,the main aspects concerning heat-resistant steel pipes/tubes as made at home and abroad are analyzed,including the present manufacture situations,the actual pipes/tubes quality,the standard differences and the technical feedbacks from the supplier, etc.Accordingly, it is discussed how to determine the suitability for import of the hi-grade heat-resistant steel pipes/tubes.The analysis leads to such a conclusion that the domestically-made hi-grade heat-resistant pipes/tubes(e.g.the Gr.92,S30432 and TP310HCbN pipes/tubes) have been up to the quality level of those as imported,and have been more comprehensively advantageous in terms of purchase cycles,technical response and service,and cost,etc.Therefore it is suggested the above mentioned proviso be removed from the said technical agreement.


