
    Innovative Design of Environment-friendly and Energy-saving Seamless Steel Tube Plant and Relevant Practice

    • 摘要: 介绍了某公司在设计Φ159 mm无缝钢管工程中以建设绿色节能环保工厂为目标的创新实践,设计中采用了多项新技术、新设备及新材料。重点介绍了创新设计理念,以及在轧制工艺设备、加热炉、给排水系统、电气传动系统、通风除尘系统、采暖空调、主厂房建筑等设计方面所采取的节能减排技术与措施。设计项目投产运行2年来,各项指标均达到设计要求,实现了节能减排、废能废物综合利用和改善生产环境的目的。


      Abstract: Elaborated in the article is the innovative design and relevant practice by a domestic company for building an environment-friendly and energy-saving plant under a Φ159 mm seamless steel tube mill project. The design involves lots of new technologies, new equipment and new material, etc. Focused on here are the innovative design ideas, and energy-saving/emission-reducing techniques and measures as taken into considerations when designing such aspects as rolling process equipment, heating furnace, water supply-drainage system, electrical drive system, ventilating and dedusting system, air-conditioning devices and workshop buildings, etc. The operation for two years since the start up of the new mill under the said project shows that all the actual indexes of the mill have met the design requirements, while the designed objectives concerning energy-saving, emission-reducing and comprehensive utilization of surplus energy and wastes as well as improvement on production conditions have been all realized, too.


