
    Elements Responsible for Formation of and Influence by Surface Scale of Oil Well Pipe during Quenching & Tempering

    • 摘要: 分析了油井管调质处理时表面氧化皮的产生因素及其脱落情况。N80Q等高钢级油井管调质处理时,若燃烧气氛、加热温度、加热时间和钢的化学成分相对稳定,则管体表面氧化皮的残余量主要受热处理前管体表面粗糙度的影响,而受燃烧气氛的影响较弱。制管厂在轧管时应尽可能提高管体表面的光洁度,表面粗糙度Ra应在3.2以下;钢管如果露天存放,应进行防腐处理,以延缓其表面腐蚀;管体表面的氧化皮残余量应尽可能少,以保证油井管防腐层的附着力。


      Abstract: Investigated are elements responsible for formation and peeling of surface scale of the oil well pipe during quenching & tempering treatment. It is identified that for oil well pipes of high grades like N80Q, provided relevant elements such as combustion atmosphere, heating temperature and time as well as the chemical composition of the steel are relatively consistent, the amount of the said surface residual scale is mainly related to the surface roughness of the pre-heat treatment pipe, and much less influenced by the combustion atmosphere. Accordingly, it is recommended that the surface finish of the tube as being rolled has to be as improved as possible, and that the roughness of the tube should be under 3.2;in case of storing the tube in open air, anti-corrosion treatment needs to be made so as to prolong the normal surface condition;and at last the surface residual scale amount needs to be as reduced as possible to ensure good adhesion of the anti-corrosion coating of the oil well pipe.


