Application of EMERSON EV2000 Series Frequency Converter to Band Sawing Machine for Seamless Steel Tube
摘要: 介绍了艾默生EV2000系列变频器在攀钢集团成都钢铁有限责任公司精密轧管厂Φ400 mm带锯机上的应用情况。在高速带锯机锯切圆形钢管坯料的生产线中,输入辊道电机采用集中变频控制,输出辊道电机采用变频控制,便于坯料的传输和精确定位;带锯机主电机也采用变频器和变频电机拖动,实现带锯条的无级调速,可以针对不同直径大小的坯料而选择不同的锯切速度。实际应用表明,该系列变频器运行良好,控制效果佳,故障率低且投资适中。Abstract: Described in the article is the application of EMERSON EV2000 Series frequency converter to the Ф 400mm band sawing machine incorporated with the Accu-Roll Precision Tube Rolling Plant of Pangang Group Chengdu I & S Co.,Ltd..For cutting round steel billets with hi-speed band sawing machine,the inlet roller conveyor motors are centralized-inverter controlled,while the outlet roller conveyor motors are frequency-changing controlled to ensure smooth transport and accurate positioning of the material.The main drive of the band sawer is dragged by means of converter and frequency-changing motor for bring about infinite speed regulation of the band saw as per billet size.Actual operation shows that the said series of frequency converter features appropriate running,desirable control effectiveness,low failure rate and moderate investment.