
    Design of Centralized Differential Main Drive System of 14-stand Slight-stretch Reducing Pipe Mill

    • 摘要: 介绍了14机架钢管集中差速传动式微张力减径机的主要工艺参数,重点介绍了设计微张力减径机主传动装置的关键要素——速度曲线、主传动速比、叠加速比的计算和匹配,同时对主传动装置的箱体刚度、润滑系统、齿轮强度等设计要点进行了描述。通过计算及实践证明:设计的微张力减径机主传动装置满足工艺需求的速度制度,并已收到良好的运行效果,以期为新上或改造项目提供参考。


      Abstract: Described in the essay are the main technological parameters of the 14-stand slight-stretch reducing mill driven by a centralized differential transmission system,and focused on are the critical design elements of the drive system such as velocity curve,main drive gear ratio,and calculation and mating of the superposition ratio,etc.Also elaborated are the design tips of other elements concerning the main drive system,including rigidity of the gear box,the lubrication system,the gear strength and so on.The results from relevant calculations and operation practice show that the main drive system of the slight-stretch reducing mill as designed is capable of meeting the velocity scheme as required by the manufacturing process,having resulted in satisfactory operation effectiveness,and being worth using as reference for future newly-built mills,and mill upgrades as well.


