
    Steel Pick-up of Internally Water-cooled Bainite Steel Piercing Plug and Preventive Actions

    • 摘要: 从顶头生产工艺控制的角度,分析了贝氏体钢内水冷穿孔顶头产生粘钢的原因、特点和机制,指出掉鼻、缺肉是顶头粘钢的另一种更为严重的失效形式,强化熔炼工艺控制和保证夹杂物总量在A0.5B1C0.5D1级水平,粘钢问题可以得到有效控制。


      Abstract: From the point of view of plug manufacturing process control, the co-authors discuss the causes, characteristics and mechanism of steel pick-up of the internally water-cooled bainite steel piercing plug, emphasizing that plug pointed end collapse and spot metal-losing are more serious forms of failure. Actions to effectively control the said steel pick-up problem include intensifying control of melting process and keeping the total inclusion content at the level of Class A0.5B1C0.5D1.


