Analysis of Elements Responsible for Hydrogen Induced Cracking(HIC)of Steel for Linepipe
摘要: 研究了管线用钢的化学成分和金相组织对钢的氢致裂纹(HIC)性能的影响。研究认为,带状组织和马氏体含量对HIC性能有很大影响,S含量及Cep对HIC有不同程度影响。含有少量Cu、Ni的钢更适合在酸性环境下使用。Abstract: Studied is the negative influence on HIC performance of the steel for linepipe by the chemical composition and metallographic structure thereof, resu lting in the conclusion that the banded structure and martensite content signifi cantly affect the HIC performance of the steel, while the Scontent and Cep also have their certain influences on the said performance respectively. Steel conta ining small amount Cu and Ni is more suitable for service in the acidic environm ent.