
    Research on and Application of Drawing Process for Small-sized Light Wall Stainless Steel Tubing

    • 摘要: 随着我国科学技术的发展,不锈钢薄壁小直径焊管的市场缺口越来越大,每年都需从国外进口,这显然不符合我国国情。因此,研制高质量的不锈钢薄壁小直径焊管,是当前形势的需要。介绍了不锈钢薄壁小直径焊管的拉伸工艺理论,并对管材拉伸及模具使用进行了分析和探讨,进而对游动芯头的应用,提出了改进工艺和提高管材质量的措施。


      Abstract: Along with the domestic S &T development,the supply gap of small-sized,light wall stainless steel weld tubing in the market is getting bigger and bigger,resulting in a considerable yearly import amount of such kind of product,which is not in compliance with the economic reality of the country.Therefore it turns out that considering the current domestic situation,it is a must to focus on developing small-sized,light wall stainless steel weld tubing.Described here are the theory of drawing process for small-sized,light wall stainless steel weld tubing,and a discussion on pipe-drawing operation and the dies and tooling used,based on which measures are proposed for a more effective use of the floating plug in the manufacturing process and for enhancing product quality as well.


