
    Determination of On-line Heat Treatment Process for Quenched Seam of 30Mn2 HFW Pipe

    • 摘要: 介绍了30Mn2钢HFW焊管焊缝在线热处理的重要性。通过采用5套热处理方案进行试验并对试验结果进行分析后认为,30Mn2钢HFW焊管焊缝淬火后热处理的工艺以高温回火+正火最为合适,回火温度设在600℃左右,正火温度设在940~960℃。采用此工艺,为30Mn2钢HFW焊管整体调质奠定了坚实的基础,排除了焊管整体淬火时焊缝力学性能不稳定的隐患。


      Abstract: Briefed in the article is the importance of the on-line heat treatment of the seam of the 30Mn2 HFW pipe. Following five different heat treatment process solutions,relevant tests are conducted,and the results analyzed,which leads to such a conclusion that for the heat treatment of the quenched seam of the 30Mn2 HFW pipe,the hi-temperature tempering + normalization process is the most appropriate one. In this case,the tempering temperature should be about 600℃,and the normalization temperature range should be 940~960℃. This heat treatment process contributes to a solid basis for over-the-length quenching-and-tempering treatment of the 30Mn2 HFW pipe,and thus eliminating the potential problem that mechanical property inconsistency of the seam might be caused,when the pipe is undergoing over-the-length quenching treatment.


