
    Obtainment of Zinc-containing Rare Earth Alloy Coating of Hot-galvanized Steel Tube

    • 摘要: 在传统的钢管热镀锌工艺基础上,通过在镀液中添加不同比例的稀土合金,获得了不同性能的锌基稀土合金镀层;研究了各镀层的厚度、表面形貌、成分以及耐腐蚀性能。结果表明:当稀土合金的质量分数为0.05%~0.10%时,所获得的钢管镀层表面结构致密,无明显缺陷,厚度均匀一致,耐腐蚀性能优良。


      Abstract: Based on the convenient steel tube hot galvanizing process,the zinc-containing rare earth alloy coatings with different properties of the galvanized tube are obtained by means of preparing galvanizing baths with different proportions of the rare earth alloy elements. Studies are conducted on such aspects of each coating,including thickness,surface morphology,alloy composition and corrosion resistance. The result demonstrates that in case of 0.05% -0.10% rare earth mass fractiont,the coatings will be in possession of compact surface structure without any obvious defect,and uniform thickness and excellent corrosion-resistance.


