
    Development Situation of OCTG and Production Localization of Hi-grade OCTG(Part Ⅰ)

    • 摘要: 从油井管在石油工业中的地位、作用出发,对国内外油井管技术现状及发展趋势进行了系统分析和阐述,认为在高端产品技术领域,我国和发达国家之间仍然存在一定的差距,呼吁业界应加快高性能油井管国产化进程,尽快变油井管生产大国为生产强国。


      Abstract: The current situations both at home and abroad concerning technologies of OCTG and the development trends are systematically analyzed in terms of the position and role of OCTG in petroleum industry. It is concluded that there is still some gap between China and the developed countries in the field of high-end OCTG technology. It is appealed that the industrial circles should speed up the production localization of hi-grade OCTG, and turn China from a big OCTG producer into a powerful OCTG giant.


