Φ340 mm连轧管机组工艺技术特点和装备水平

    Technological Features and Equipment Technical Level of Φ340 mm MPM Plant

    • 摘要: 攀钢集团成都钢铁有限责任公司Φ340 mm连轧管机组是目前国内生产规格最大,在同规格同类型机组中装备最先进的连轧管机组,目前已经建成并投入试生产。从工艺配置、设备选型、工艺控制、平面布置、设备特点等多方面介绍了该机组的情况,重点介绍了穿孔机、连轧管机和微张力定(减)径机上采用的新工艺、新技术,以及整个热轧线上的工艺控制技术、质量检测和质量控制技术,并提供了热轧线上主要机组的主要工艺技术参数。


      Abstract: The Φ340 mm MPM plant located at Pangang Group Chengdu I & S Co.,Ltd.is at present regarded as the most advanced MPM plant among the domestic similar type and same sized mandrel pipe mills.Being capable of producing the biggest tube size in the country,the plant has been so far completed,and put into trial production.All the main aspects concerning the MPM plant are described here in the paper,covering the technological configuration,equipment type,process control,layout and the equipment features,etc.Focused on are the newly-developed processes and technologies as applied to the piercing mill,the MPM proper and the slight stretch sizing(reducing)mill,and the process control technologies and quality inspection/measuring/and control techniques adapted for the entire hot-rolling line of the plant.moreover the main technological data of the main mills of the hotrolling line are also presented.


