
    4-Roll Kocks Reduction Mill and Related Kinematics

    • 摘要: 介绍了德国科克斯公司最近研制的四辊科克斯轧管机的结构和工作原理。由于该机的结构复杂,轧管的运动方式也比较独特,因而不能用传统的手段来研究其运动。重点介绍了用"速度矢量"方法描述该轧管机运动学的研究成果。


      Abstract: Described in the article are the structure and operation principle of the 4-roll Kocks Reduction Mill newly developed by Friedrich Kocks GmbH & Co. Owing to the rather complex structure and unique movement process of rolling of the mill, it is impossible to use relevant conventional method to study the movement thereof. The paper focuses on an introduction of the result of the kinematics research on the mill with the so called "velocity vector" method.


