Investigation on Causes for Pressure Fluctuation of Main Cylinder of 10MN Hydrostatic Testing Machine
摘要: APISpec 5L标准和GB/T9711.1-1997标准中都明确规定,外径尺寸不小于508mm的焊接钢管必须进行静水压试验,所以静水压试验机是重要的检验设备。但在试压过程中,经常由于主油缸压力波动致使水压试验不能一次完成,不仅影响正常生产,而且在反复试压过程中可能对钢管质量造成影响。为此对主油缸压力波动的原因进行了分析,并提出了相应的改造方案,消除了增压器油控制回路产生的压力波动的影响,取得了良好的效果。Abstract: Since it is specified in both API Spec 5L and GB/T9711.1 - 1977 that any steel weld pipe with O.D. no smaller than 508 mm shall be subject to hydrostatic test, the hydrostatic testing machine is regarded as a rather key inspection facility. During testing, it frequently takes place that the test can not be fulfilled in one time due the unstable pressure of the tester’s main hydraulic cylinder, which not only disturbs the normal operation cycle, but also negatively influences tube quality because of repeated tests. Therefore the elements responsible for the said pressure fluctuation of the main cylinder was investigated, and then relevant modification action was taken to eliminate the influence by the booster oil control circuit on the main cylinder pressure, having satisfactory result.