Modification of Pointing Machine Positioning Damper
摘要: 常州宝钢钢管有限公司对该公司的Φ102mmCPE机组中的缩口机进行了技术改造,试生产中各项工艺指标均达到设计要求,但个别设备如缩口机辅机缓冲定位挡板因结构设计不尽合理,故障较多。生产实践证明,通过改进设计,增大了缓冲定位挡板的刚性,简化了结构,提高了设备有效作业率,降低了维护费用。Abstract: A technical modification was performed by the Changzhou Baosteel Steel Tube Co., Ltd. to the pointing machine of its Φ102 mm CPE mill, and all the pre-set technological norms had been met during the start-up. However some units of the said pointing machine like the positioning damper were not designed so properly, causing some troubles. After the modification of the said damper focusing on enhancement of rigidity and simplification of structure thereof, the availability of the machine is increased and maintenance cost reduced.