
    R & D of Fire-resistant Seamless Steel Pipe for Building Service

    • 摘要: 目前国内对建筑用耐火无缝钢管的研发处于空白状态。介绍了攀钢集团成都钢钒有限公司对建筑用耐火无缝钢管的研发情况:在低合金碳锰钢的基础上添加微合金元素,通过微合金元素在高温下的固溶强化和析出,控制终轧温度,得到铁素体+珠光体+粒状贝氏体的耐高温组织,从而试制出性能优良的建筑用耐火无缝钢管。


      Abstract: At present R & D of the fire-resistant seamless steel pipe is almost a gap to be filled.Elaborated in the article is the efforts in R & D of such pipe as made by Pangang Group Chengdu Steel and Vanadium Co.,Ltd.The research involves such an approach that relevant micro-alloy elements are added into the low carbon-manganese steel,and then solid solution strengthened and segregated under high temperature and well-controlled finalrolling temperature to form the ferrite+pearlite+granular bainite hi-temperature resistant structure.As a result,the fire-resistant seamless steel pipe for building service with satisfactory properties is successfully trial-produced.


