Current Situation and Localization Progress of Pipes for Nuclear Power Generation Service
摘要: 随着我国大型核电站建设的快速发展,核电站设备国产化进程明显加快,对核电用无缝钢管的国产化要求也日益迫切。简介了核电用管的特点及质量要求,分析了核电站管道系统用无缝钢管的国产化进展和存在的问题,提出了核电用无缝钢管全部国产化的建议和改进思路。Abstract: Along with the rapid development of domestic constructions of large-scale nuclear power plants,the pace of localization of nuclear power plant equipment is being obviously speeded up,and the demand for localization of seamless steel tubes and pipes for nuclear power plant service has become more urgent.Briefly described in the article are the features of and quality requirements for the seamless tubulars for nuclear power generation purpose.Analyzed are the progress of and problems concerning the localization of production of seamless steel tubulars for piping system of the nuclear power plant.Suggestions and improvement conception to realize a totally localization of the said tubular product are put forward.