
    Analysis of Cause for Build - up as Formed on Inner Burr-removing Device for Welded Tubing/Casing and Relevant Control Measures

    • 摘要: 分析了高频直缝焊接油套管内毛刺刮除装置积瘤产生的原因,对积瘤形成时的附着聚集过程进行了详细阐述,介绍了控制和预防积瘤产生的方法,提出了“斜面过渡分散法”。通过实践证明,改进后的内毛刺刮除装置运行更加稳定,减少了积瘤的产生频次,降低了因检查调整内刮刀具而停机开孔的次数,提高了产品质量和生产效率。


      Abstract: The cause for build-up as formed on the inner burr-removing device for HFW oil tube/casing is analyzed,the adhering-gathering formation process of the build-up is detailed,and the method as called Slope Transitional Dispersion Process to control and prevent such a trouble is described. Relevant operation practice demonstrates that the modified tube inner burr-removing device is capable of more consistently running,and the build-up occurrence rate is reduced. As a result, the frequency of checking the burr-cutter and stopping the machine for hole-opening is in turn reduced, which leads to the enhancement of both the product quality and productivity efficiency.


