宝钢Ф139.7mm×7.72mm P110钢级钻井用套管挤毁试验研究

    Collapse Test Research on Baosteel-made Ф139.7 mm×7.72 mm P110 Casing for Well-drilling Service

    • 摘要: 套管钻井是一种先进的钻井技术。钻井采用套管取代钻杆,井下钻具组合直接连在套管下面,钻井与下套管作业同时进行。套管钻井具有节省钻井时间、减少井下事故、改善水利特性、降低钻井生产成本等优点。针对套管钻井过程中套管受到不同程度的磨损,模拟套管均匀磨损和偏磨工况,采用全尺寸实物试验方法,对宝山钢铁股份有限公司Ф139.7mm×7.72mm P110钢级钻井用套管进行了挤毁试验研究,研究结果对钻井套管的选用有一定的指导意义。


      Abstract: Using casings for well-drilling is regarded as an advanced well-drilling technology. Since casings are substituted for drill pipes,and thus directly jointed with the drilling tool assembly in the well so as to get the well-drilling operation conducted together with the down-well operation of casings. Drilling well with casings features such advantages as shortening operation time,minimizing in-well accident rate,improving the hydrocharacteristics and reducing operation costs,etc. Addressing the fact that casings are worn with different severities during the drilling process,anti-collapse test research is carried out on the Baosteel-made Ф139.7 mm×7.72 mm P110 casing for well-drilling service by means of simulating the even wear and uneven wear operation conditions of casings and the test method with the full-sized casing sample. The research result is instructive to a certain extent for choosing proper casings for well drilling purpose.


