
    CAD Assembly Method for Design of Shaped Tube Pass

    • 摘要: 借鉴活动板房设计、制造和组装的工艺流程,借助Auto CAD平台,从“圆形→异形”孔型变形曲线参数的设计、独立变形曲线的“制造”(画)和独立变形曲线的“组装”3个方面,介绍了异型管孔型的CAD组装法。提出充分利用CAD原则、逆向思维变形孔型原则、公称尺寸原则和流程化原则等。该方法省去了异型管孔型设计过程中的繁琐计算,使异型管变形合理,提高了孔型设计效率。


      Abstract: Borrowing the process flow of design, fabrication and assembly of the prefab house, and using the Auto CAD platform, the CAD assembly method for shaped tube pass is elaborated, focusing on the three main aspects, i.e., design of deformation curve parameters of the“ round-shaped” pass, “fabrication” (drawing) of the independent deformation curve and“assembly”thereof. It is proposed to take full advantage of the CAD principle, the adverse thinking deformation pass principle, the nominal dimension principle and the streamlining principle. Thanks to the said CAD assembly method, the miscellaneous calculation steps normally asked for design of shaped tube pass is left out so as to obtain reasonable deformation of the shaped tube, and also get the design efficiency enhanced.


