
    Manufacturing Process of Small/Medium-sized Precision Bearing Steel Tubes

    • 摘要: 回顾了国内外传统轴承管的生产工艺,介绍了目前国内精密轴承管的生产工艺,包括典型生产工序和工艺特征。通过比较可知,采用穿孔+冷拔(轧)生产轴承管的工艺,比国外采用传统三辊轧管+冷轧(拔)工艺,具有生产装备简单,投资少,流程短,成材率高,加工成本低等特点。


      Abstract: The conventional manufacturing processes for bearing steel tubes employed both abroad and at home are reviewed. The present manufacturing processes for the said tubes domestically adapted are described, covering typical manufacturing steps and technological features. Compared with the foreign-used conventional bearing tube manufacturing process of 3-high rolling plus cold-rolling(drawing), the process of piercing plus cold-rolling(drawing) features further simplified production equipment, less initial investment, shorter process flow, higher yield and more cost-effectiveness.


