
    Progress Made in Research on Cladding Process for Bimetal Clad Pipe

    • 摘要: 综合介绍了双金属复合管的复合工艺类型——机械复合和冶金复合;重点对这两大复合类型的各种工艺优缺点进行了对比分析,并提出应立足于国内现有生产水平,借鉴外国的研究和应用经验,进一步开展对双金属复合管复合工艺和焊接工艺研究,为双金属复合管在恶劣环境油气田的成功应用奠定基础。


      Abstract: Comprehensively elaborated here in the paper are the cladding process types for bimetal clad pipes, i.e., the mechanical cladding process and the metallurgical cladding process. Focused on are the comparative analyses of separate technological advantages and disadvantages of these two major cladding processes. Based on the analysis result, it is proposed that based on the current production level, domestic bimetal clad pipe-making circles should borrow relevant research achievements and application experiences as made abroad to continue R & D of cladding process and welding process for bimetal clad pipes in a bid to lay a solid foundation for successful application of such pipes in harsh-conditioned oil and gas field.


