
    Analysis and Comparison of Equipment Structrues in Mandrel Bar Cooling Area of Mandrel Mill Line for Hot-rolled Seamless Steel Pipes

    • 摘要: 介绍了热连轧无缝钢管生产工艺布置中芯棒冷却区的设备组成;根据不同结构的芯棒移送设备,将芯棒冷却区设备分为步进梁式、曲柄摇杆式和升降翻板式3类,并对比分析了各自的优缺点。分析认为:步进梁式结构工艺集成性高、控制简单,曲柄摇杆式结构的点检、维护方便,而升降翻板式结构的投资成本低;在设计芯棒冷却区设备的布置方案时,应综合考虑各类结构的优点确定设计方案。


      Abstract: Elaborated in the paper are the equipment composition of the mandrel bar cooling area in the process layout of the mandrel mill plant for hot-rolled seamless steel pipes. According to their different structures, the mandrel bar transfer devices in the area fall into three types,i.e.,the walking-beam,the crank & rocker,and the lifting flap. The advantages and disadvantages of each of the three types are compared and analyzed. As a result,it is identified that the walking-beam structure features high technological integrity and easy control,the crank & rocker mechanism is advantageous in easy point-check and maintenance, and the lifting flap structure stays with high investment effectiveness. When designing the layout of the mandrel bar cooling area,effectively integrating the above mentioned advantages and disadvantages and of the different transfer units should be considered.


