
    Analysis and Study on Residual Elastic Recovery of Spiral Welded Pipe(Part Ⅱ)

    • 摘要: 阐述了螺旋焊管的弹复特性与其成型定径方式之间的关系,指出了采用外定径成型器制造具有周向负弹复特性焊管的调型方法所存在的问题,并提出了解决办法。在对螺旋焊管残余弹复问题进行系统分析与研究的基础上,给出了两种计算螺旋焊管成品管坯内部残余弹复弯矩的数学公式,并建立了一种全新的反映成品管坯内部的残余应力σr与其切口张开量ΔL、径向错位量Δr和轴向错位量ΔS三者之间关系的数学控制模式,对螺旋焊管的成型工艺设计和设备调试具有一定的指导意义。同时,结合当前螺旋焊管订货补充技术条件中关于焊管残余应力控制的有关规定做了分析与讨论,提出了一些有益的建议。


      Abstract: The relationship between the elastic recovery characteristics of the spiral welded pipe and the forming/sizing process thereof is discussed,resulting in identification of the problems relating to form-adjusting process by means of the outer formation device for making welded pipes with negative circumferential elastic come-back characteristics,and proposal of relevant countermeasures. Based on the results of systematic analysis and studies concerning the issue of residual elastic recovery of the spiral welded pipe,two math formulas for calculating the interior bending moment of residual elastic recovery are derived. Meanwhile,a brand-new mathematic control model for finished pipe blank is set up, showing the relationship between the interior residual stress σr and the three elements,i.e.,seam slot opening ΔL,radial displacement Δr and axial displacement ΔS, and thus being worth using for guiding in a certain extent the forming process design and manufacture equipment adjustment for spiral welded pipe production. Also analyzed and discussed is the specification for control of the welded pipe residual stress as specified under the supplementary technical terms for ordering of spiral welded pipes. Accordingly,some effective suggestions are proposed.


