Numerical Simulation of Rounding-sizing Process of Large-sized Straight Welded Pipe
摘要: 对断面椭圆度较大的大口径直缝焊管采用机械扩径法进行整圆,仍存在不足之处。介绍了一种新的大口径直缝焊管整圆定径方法,即用2个半圆形模具对焊管施压,使其周长产生0.5%左右的永久变形以达到整圆定径之目的;通过对此方法进行数值模拟验证,为大口径直缝焊管整圆定径设备的研制生产及其工艺的制定提供了理论依据。Abstract: Certain advantages still stay with the mechanical expanding process for rounding of the large-sized straight welded pipes with rather big sectional ovality. A newly-developed rounding-sizing process for the said pipes is described,which involves pressing the pipe with two half-round dies to produce approximately 0.5% circumferential permanent deformation for the purpose of rounding-sizing of the pipe. The process is verified by means of numerical simulation. The result is worth using as the theoretic basis for R & D of and process preparation for the equipment for rounding-sizing of the large-sized straight welded pipe.